The Analysis of Urban Settlements Resilience of Qazvin City Against Floods Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis Method

Document Type : Original Research Article


Department of Industrial Engineering, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran


Today, improving flood resilience has grown to be a significant and comprehensive area in flood risk management. The present study aims to analyze the urban settlements resilience against floods in the Qazvin city. The data collection instrument is a questionnaire, and the data analysis is done using the Confirmatory Factor Analysis method. In this study, indicators were first identified and hypotheses were developed based on these indicators, and finally, all the hypotheses were confirmed using statistical techniques. Here, four hypotheses were defined: 1) Social factors affect the resilience of urban settlements against floods in Qazvin city, 2) Environmental factors affect the resilience of urban settlements against floods in Qazvin city, 3) Technical factors affect the resilience of urban settlements against floods in Qazvin city, 4) Managerial factors affect the resilience of urban settlements against floods in Qazvin city. The effect of all the indicators in the dimensions of social factors, technical factors, managerial factors, and environmental factors was confirmed. The results show that social, technical, environmental, and managerial factors affect the urban settlements resilience against floods in the Qazvin city. Social factors have the most influence with an importance value of 0.8. The influence of social factors on the resilience of urban settlements against floods in Qazvin city has been investigated using T-statistics. The estimated value is equal to 5.640. Considering that all considered factors are significant, they have been identified as relevant and influential in resilience.


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