Study of environmental pollution caused by natural processes on soil, water and plants in metallogenic zone of northern Ardebil

Document Type : Original Research Article


1 Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, University of Mohagheghe Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran

2 Department of Geology, Faculty of Natural Science, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

3 Master Student in Watershed Management, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Mineral and alteration zone of north Ardebil, located at 27 kilometers of north west of Meshkinshahr. Given that a large part of the North West of the country, particularly along the zone of the garehDagh- Tarom are alterated and mineralizied, So study of this area can be very useful. Based on a sampling and chemical analysis of water, soil and plants, The heavy metals changes were evaluated and Practical solutions for the protection of environmental resources of study area and improve their conditions were proposed. heavy metals are one of The most important sources of water, soil and planet pollution that originate from rocks destruction. Toxic heavy metals eventually accumulate in the soil and enters through plants and water to the food chain of animals and humans. Mineralization and related altration processes in the study area led to extensive chemical and physical changes in igneous rocks And thus affected the distribution of metallic elements in the environment. A comparison between the total concentration of trace elements with sulfur, aluminum, iron plus manganese and particles smaller than 63 Mykrvmeter indicate The existence of a negative correlation between these elements with sulfur and the other hand existence of a positive correlation between these elements with Al and small particles of soil. However, the role of sulfides and fine particles is essential in absorption and enrichment of them in environment.


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