Evaluating the Impact of Social Capital on the Food Security of Rural Households: Case Study of GhaniBigloo County, Zanjan Township

Document Type : Review Article


Department of Geography, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran


This study focuses on the relationship between social capital and food security in rural areas. Researchers have highlighted the importance of social capital in enhancing household food security in rural settings. This descriptive and analytical study uses library research and fieldwork (questionnaires) for data collection. Descriptive and inferential statistics (t-test and diagnostic analysis) were used for analysis. The study focused on 8 villages in the Ghani Bigloo district of Zanjan County, with a total of 2,471 households and 7,614 people. To obtain a sample size of 315, the Cochran formula was used, and simple random sampling was employed. According to the results of the analysis, there is a difference in the food security status of households, and it is feasible to create a formula to distinguish between two categories of households based on the studied factors. The coefficients of the discriminant function and the structure matrix coefficients demonstrate that social trust, social cohesion, local networks, and social participation are the most crucial factors affecting the food security of rural households. The presence of social capital plays a significant role in addressing food security and promoting development in different areas. By enhancing social capital, we can effectively reduce food insecurity in these regions. Hence, this article aims to explore the significance of social capital in enhancing the food security of rural households, offering valuable insights and original perspectives on the subject.


Main Subjects

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