Mammals Roadkill in Communication Road and Choll Region (the Extent of the Spread of Thrown Debris) Resulting from the Great Seymareh Landslide

Document Type : Original Research Article


Department of Natural Sciences and Environmental, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Hormozgan, Bandar Abbas, Iran


This research aims to investigate mammals' roadkill between 18/01/2021 and 11/05/2022 on the Darrehshahr -Poldokhtar-Majhin road that passes through the Choll region. In the sampling period, 73 roadkill belonging to 5 mammal species were recorded. By comparing the number of roadkill in different seasons, it was found that the highest casualties were recorded in the cool seasons of the year and the lowest casualties were recorded in the three very hot months of the year. The highest roadkill related to the jackal species was recorded outside the Choll region, where the nature of the studied area is a mixture of plains and hills. By examining the map of the hotspots of roadkill obtained from the kernel function using GIS software, it was found that the jackal species has the highest casualties around the aviculture and near the residential areas. Because two hotspots of jackal deaths were observed in other places between the aviculture, it can be concluded that the aviculture attracted jackals to this area of the road due to improper disposal of dead chickens. According to the map of hotspots of roadkill related to the fox species, the highest casualties were observed in the Choll region in a hilly area in nature and around residential areas. Considering the concentration of roadkill of jackals around aviculture, the basic disposal of lost chickens effectively reduces these losses to a large extent.


Main Subjects

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