Analyzing the Impacts of Nightlife on Cities- the Case of Tehran

Document Type : Original Research Article


1 Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Sociology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


In recent decades, many sociologists and urban scholars have focused on the development of nightlife and placed it at the center of their agenda. However, nightlife, like a double-edged sword, has both positive and negative impacts on cities, and there is a gap in the literature on the relationship between nightlife and urban sustainability. Accordingly, this paper aimed to analysis the perceived impacts of nightlife on Tehran sustainability. Based on snowball sampling, a web-based survey was carried out among 10 experts. To investigate perceived impact and evaluate statistically significant differences skewness and kurtosis test and one samples t-test were used. Our findings revealed that although nightlife leads to urban sustainability in Tehran, these results are not same in other cities and is place-specific and vary over time and space. It largely depends on the type of governance, planning, design and legislation of cities. Accordingly, legislative measures and regulations, collaborative efforts across different sectors, developing sustainable infrastructure and facilities, promoting inclusivity, diversity, and accessibility, and good governance, transmitting heritage values to young people and minimizing ecological impacts in nightlife environments plays a crucial role in cultivating a sustainable city.


Main Subjects

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