Geomorphological and Geochemical Characteristics Mud Volcanoes Near Zendan Fault ,Iran

Document Type : Original Research Article


Department of Geography, Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Jiroft, Jiroft, Iran


Mud volcanism is a global phenomenon usually associated with compressional tectonics that favor extrusion of fluid- and clay mineral-rich sediment both on land and offshore. Iran's coastal, bordering the western Makran Coast, has more than 50prominent onshore MVs. In this research, after data collection, including topography and geology maps, IRS satellite data and aerial photos, remote sensing verifications were implemented. Then, mud volcanoes determination was completed by field work studies and checking. Their geomorphology characteristic such as area and height were measured. One sediment and one water samples were taken from each mud volcano in the field work, then analyses of major, minor and trace elements were carried out through ICP-OES. About 20 small or big mud volcanoes were determined in Hormozgan province that they have not been introduced before. In the meantime, hydrogeochemistry studies or determination of the percentage of available elements in water for all mud volcanoes were implemented. Since this geomorphological phenomenon indicates tectonic activity of a region, hence there is a possibility of mild earthquake and faulting occurrence. After determine correlation analysis cluster and factor analyiss determine between different factors from scoter plot map characterized that source of elements Al, Fe, Ni, V, Sc, Ti, Cr, Zn, Cu, Mn, Na, K, Li, Be is geogenic and source of elements Ca,Mn and S is biogenic.


Main Subjects

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