Structural and Tectonic Aspects of the Kuh-E Surmeh Pb-Zn Deposit, a Rare Case of Metallic Mineralization in the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt

Document Type : Original Research Article


1 Department of Sedimentary Basins and Petroleum, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Geology, Faculty of Basic Sciences, University of Hormozgan, Hormozgan, Iran


The Surmeh deposit is a rare case of metallic mineralization in the Zagros FT-Belt. The regional structures with geological conditions from Paleozoic sequences to Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic extensional faulting, Cenozoic continental convergence and collision, thrust tectonic, reactivation of inherited and basement faults, basinal-atmospheric fluids interactions and salt diapirism have crucial role in MVT-type Surmeh deposit formation. The Surmeh anticline is double plunging and its southern limb is cut by thrust faults, which formed at the southern termination of the Mengharak segment of the Karehbas fault. New field data highlights three fault trends. The first trend is thrust faults parallel to the Zagros trend cutting the southern limb of Surmeh anticline and pushed the older units over the younger units from NE to SW. The second is normal faults mainly in the Permian and Triassic rocks and their strike varies from NW-SE to N_S. The third trend is ~N-S surface manifestations of the Karehbas basement strike-slip fault. Some of them can be easily mapped in satellite images. Small strike-slip faults have caused displacement and destruction of mineralized zones. Normal faults were important structures in ore-formation process. These findings can be utilized as an exploratory sign for similar ore deposits in the Zagros Range, where the Paleozoic rocks are intensely folded, faulted and uplifted within the cores of anticlines near the intersection of salt domes and basement faults. This case is an interesting metallic mineralization in a foreland area, where is affected by basement and thrust faults, folding and salt tectonics.


Main Subjects

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