Guide for Reviewers

The reviewer is responsible for reading the manuscript evaluation in their area of expertise and providing constructive, honest, and respectful feedback to the authors on their submission. It is appropriate for the reviewer to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the article, ways to improve the strength and quality of the work, and to evaluate the originality of the article. For the high quality of the published articles, Sustainable Earth Trends needs reviewers who can provide valuable and useful comments. Regarding the submitted manuscripts, they should be presented within 2 to 3 weeks.


Responsibilities of Reviewers:
 If you are invited by Sustainable Earth Trends to review a manuscript, please consider the following recommendations:
 1- Reviewers must declare any conflict of interest before agreeing to review a manuscript. This includes any relationship with the author(s) that may bias their opinion.
2- Review the manuscript constructively and prepare detailed comments to help the authors improve their work.
3- The reviewers must keep the peer-review process confidential. They should not share information or correspondence about a manuscript with anyone outside of the peer-review process without the express permission of the editor.
4- Please do not communicate directly with the authors and do not share the assigned manuscript with another reviewer.
5- The reviewers must make all reasonable efforts to submit their report and recommendation promptly. If this is not possible, they should inform the journal's editor.
6- The reviewers should treat the manuscript as a confidential document and provide recommendations to the editor about the suitability of the manuscript for publication in the journal.