Linking Environmental Crimes and Extreme Weather Conditions: A Systematic Review on the Climate Change Issues of Bangladesh

Document Type : Review Article


Department of Criminology and Police Science, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Tangail-1902, Bangladesh


Climate change and extreme environmental conditions are pressing threats to the planet. Environmental crimes further complicate these issues. This study uses a qualitative exploratory method to explore and describe the connection between climate change and the extreme environment and environmental crimes. The data are collected from secondary sources and presented thematically to understand the connection between Climate change and the extreme environment with environmental crimes. This study found several environmental crimes including deforestation, illegal timber trafficking, waste mismanagement, marine ecosystem crimes, and wildlife trafficking directly and indirectly led to climate change which ultimately causes extreme impacts on weather and climate such as heatwaves, heavy rainfall, shifting in seasons, droughts, wildfires, flash floods etc. in many places. Bangladesh has also been affected by these environmental crimes and extreme weather conditions. There are several laws, rules, regulations, and international treaties regarding these issues but enforcement is currently in a very vulnerable situation. Comprehensive legal and developmental framework and participation in preventing such crimes by all stakeholders through the green police model can make a way forward in this situation.


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